Tuesday, 04.05.16

Push Press + Push Jerk: 5×4+1 @ 70-75% push press 1RM

For Time:
3 Power Clean and Jerk (165/115)
30 T2B
6 PC and J
25 T2B
9 PC and J
20 T2B

Advanced WOD
20min AMRAP
20 hang power clean (115/85)
14 box jump overs (24/20)
8 walking lunges
100m farmers carry (maroon farmers carry bars + 2×35# plates/bar)

0:00-6:00 Horseshoe Run + ME Situps
Rest 2 minutes
8:00-14:00 Horseshoe Run + Praxair Run + ME Push-ups
Rest 2 minutes
16:00-22:00 Horseshoe + Blvd Run + ME Burpees

*Note run times upon completion but total reps of the three movements will be your score for this WOD
**ME = Max Effort


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