Tuesday, 04.29.14

good nutrition

Who is in for the MAYDAY MAYDAY nutrition challenge that starts on Thursday?? If you are, please let me know or sign up by Wednesday afternoon (sign up by office door). This will be a partner challenge and I’ll give some more details either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Doubleunder clinic on June 14th @ CFU from 2:30-4:30; so far there are 7 signed up for the clinic…don’t wait til the last minute; if you want your doubleunders, or some tips to get better…sign up! I will share the link on another post or you can find it on the CFU Facebook page.

Football gals…Let’s have our first practice after the WOD on Sunday…4-5pm. Hope y’all can make it! We will brainstorm for a fundraiser idea(s) and talk about shirts. 🙂

Just a friendly reminder to make sure you are checking in to classes and it would be REALLY helpful to the coaches and myself if you would log your results so we can see what you are working on or need to work on! Plus you can see your progress!

It was GREAT seeing everyone on Monday!! What a great start to the week! See you all back Tuesday! 🙂


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