Tuesday, 06.09.15

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.โ€~Jim Rohn

Some of you stay motivated and come to the box day in and day out…how do you do it? Is it a special power? Nope, it’s because you’ve created the habit! They say it takes 21 days to create a habit…take the next 21 days to create a new healthy habit for YOU! Whether it be reading for 15 minutes a day, taking your vitamins or drinking more water, the important thing is to find some time for you to make you happier and healthier! 

Just 21 days! Get after it! ๐Ÿ™‚

3 Position Power Snatch 6×1 @ 75-80% (high hang, hang, floor)

10min AMRAP
100m Run
5 Deadlift (185/135)
Cashout: 50 butterfly situps

10 rounds with partner(5 each)
*Partner A โ€“ 20cal Row
*Partner B โ€“ 5 Burpees โ€“ 10 V-ups โ€“ 15 Russian Twists โ€“ 20 Squats
Score is time it takes

Advanced WOD
 25cal row
 3 rope climbs
 12 KB Snatch 70/40 (6/side)

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!  



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