Tuesday, 09.08.15

Nice work to all of the hard working CFUers on Monday! Thanks Andi and Fred for encouraging us to keep on going!  Remember to bring in your BOOKS FOR ABLE!! Place in the boxes by the glass case.

Everyone have a GREAT week! 🙂

In case you didn’t see…September newsletter

Strength: Hang Snatch + Snatch: 5×1

5 Rounds

7 T2B

7 Push Press (115/75)

7 V-ups

7 Back/Front Rack Lunges (115/75)

Scales: 4/3 rounds


TEC WOD: 15min AMRAP(Instructor led 5:15am)

100m Run – 5 Pushups – 10 Squats – 15 Situps


Advanced WOD:


Odd: 5 C2B + 10 push ups + 15 squats

Even: 15 burpees

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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