Want to welcome to the CFU crew, Tyrone and Ashton! They will be at the 5:15am class, so dark and early crew, show them the ropes and make them feel at home! 🙂
We are up to 17 items for our food drive…only 340 to go to make our goal 😉 Thanks in advance!
Found some videos while I was waiting for volleyball…hope they’re helpful! 🙂
Strength: Hang Snatch 7×1 starting @ 70%+
Adv: Snatch (3sec pause at knee) 7×1 starting @ 70%+
14 min AMRAP
7 Handstand Push-ups
14 Kettlebell Swings (53 / 35)
21 Double-unders
Advanced WOD:
12 DL 185/105
9 hang clean 185/105
6 push jerk 185/105
TECS WOD: CrossFit Endurance “Total”
200m Time Trial (TT) Rest 5min
400m TT Rest 5min
800m TT Rest 5min
1600m TT
Post all 4 scores on the board
Bonus Work:
Accumulate 6 mins of various plank holds
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!