15min to establish 1RM Snatch
Adv: same
3 rounds
400 m run
21 Hang Power Snatches (75 / 55)
12 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Scale: 2 rounds
Advanced WOD
5min AMRAP
12 Shoulder-to-Overhead 135/95
9 T2B
6 Front Squat 135/95
— rest 5 min —
5 min AMRAP
50 DU
10 DL 225/155
10 lateral barbell burpees
“Going the Distance”
100m run 1 burpee, 1 squat, 1 wallball, 1 sit-up, 1 box jump
200m run 2 burpees, 2 squats, 2 wb, 2 situps, 2 box jumps
300m run 3 burpees, 3 squats, 3 wb, 3 situps, 3 box jumps
400m run 4 burpees, 4 squats, 4 wb, 4 situps , 4 box jumps
Blvd Loop 5 burpees, 5 squats, 5 wb, 5 situps, 5 box jumps
THEN…Go back down starting with the Blvd LOOP and 5 reps…
Bonus Work
3-1min plank holds
3 sets of 20 weighted sit-ups
50 DU’s