58 Strong at the box today!! Were you one of them?!? If not, hope to see you on Tuesday!
A big welcome to Scott from CF Unscaled in GA who is in town this week for business. I’m sure you’ve already done this, but be sure to make our visitors/newbies feel welcome!
**Reminder that we have our CFXpress class Tuesday morning at 6:30am as well as noon on Fridays.
To those who are doing the squat cycle, please put your present 1RM on the board by the foam rollers; I want to see how far this cycle gets us! Lots of lifters so far! 🙂
Power Snatch: 5×2 starting at 75%
Adv: Power Snatch + OHS 5×2+1 starting at 75%
For time:
30 Clean & Jerks (135 / 95)
Advanced WOD:
thruster 75/55
thruster 75/55
“Rowing Kelly”* 5 rounds 400m Row – 15 Wallballs (20/14) – 15 Box Jumps
*The reps on wallballs and box jumps are cut in half; work on consistent 400m row times
Bonus Work
3×15 weighted situps
3×10 Knee Raises w/ med ball
3×20 DU’s
If there is extra time in class, you are encouraged to do a little of the bonus work, it will only make you a stronger athlete! Great job, All!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!