Another thanks to the CFU members…the Totals are in for the “Central MO Honor Flight” and we as a group raised $335!!!! I found out that it takes $300 to sponsor one veteran for the flight so at least we know that we helped one WWII veteran to get on the plane!! Thank you all!
CANNED GOODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bring them TUESDAY!!! Let’s reach a goal of 300 items!
The “Surviving the Holidays” nutrition challenge/support group started today…we have a facebook group; if you are interested in being a part of it, let me know so I can add you to the group! Remember there are TWO holidays coming up not TWO full months! 😉
DECEMBER 21st: Next box party for Christmas! 6:30pm-??? Stop by for a little while or long while, I don’t care! We plan on having green and red jello shots and a keg for “keg stands”! This is what was discussed last night anyways! 😉 AND, if you would like to participate, bring a $15 or less White Elephant gift for an exchange. TOTALLY OPTIONAL! Hope to see a TON of you there so you can find out what’s in store NEXT FOR CFU!!
WODTogether…There is a new feature…a MESSAGE BOARD!! So if you have any announcements or would like to share anything pertaining to CFU, post it there!
Thanksgiving schedule: regular hours M-W, Closed Thursday, One class Friday at 10am, open gym 11-noon, Saturday 9am
Be watching the website and Facebook(if you haven’t liked CrossFit Unstoppable on FB, please do so, and if you haven’t “rated” it, I would appreciate it as well!) for a Black Friday and Cyber Monday deal! 🙂
The turf and “second” floor have arrived!! We may be asking for some help on Friday and Saturday helping with the turf so watch the website or Facebook for an announcement.
CrossFit Total Tuesday!!!! Let’s lift some heavy stuff! We have not done this workout since July 29th so it will be a good time to see how you have progressed and for the newbies it will be a good starting point for you! Make sure you enter your results in WODTogether!! If you can make this workout, do so!! 🙂
Have a good one!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!