Tuesday, 12.29.15


I LOVED seeing everyone get back on track today at CFU! For those of you who have been fighting illness, hang in there and take care of yourself! Remember that rest and eating healthy all aid in the recovery process…

Some of you who are newer to CFU(and maybe the “veterans”) may be asking “Why” the the two levels of programming on Sunday, Monday, Friday and Saturday…CFU is a COMMUNITY and I’ve been listening. EVERYONE has their own goals, their own likes, dislikes, passions, strengths, etc…that is why I want to try this and try to “hit everyone’s likes”…some like more challenging with heavy weights and barbells, some like the running and core work, some just like to do whatever is FUN! Regardless of which workout a person chooses, he/she is doing it for a specific purpose that is important to them and what is important to YOU is important to me…YOU matter to CFU and I only want the BEST for EVERYONE! So as a CrossFit Unstoppable Family, please continue to support and encourage one another in each others goals and achievements!

Strive always to be BETTER THAN YESTERDAY!

New Year’s Eve Schedule: (Thursday) 5:15am, 8:30am and Noon!

New Year’s Day: One Class Only-9am!



Front Squat for load at 85-90% 1RM front squat: 4×2


3 Rounds for Time:
15 Thrusters (95/65)
12 Burpees

For time:
800m run
400m row
400m run
800m row

Advanced WOD:

For time:

Power clean 155/105
Hang power clean 155/105
Ring dips

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.