Tuesday, 12.3.13

What.A.Day!!! Got to see soooooo many people walk through CFU’s doors! Exciting things are happening! Including everyone challenging themselves more and more with each WOD.
Keep up the great work!

Couple of notes…
FitAid is IN STOCK; check out the previous blog post on performance and recovery benefits… If you don’t have the exact change with you, please leave an IOU in the cup with your name on it. $3/can or a punchcard for $25(10cans).

CFU Barbell started tonight with 8 STRONG! Chris and Britt will be coaching these classes.

Welcome to our new members! Brent, Shelly and Darcy and welcome back to Misty!

Prepare to run OUTSIDE on Tuesday!!

Have a good one!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!



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