Tuesday, 12.30.14



Strength: Barbell Gymnastics-3-position Snatch – 7×1 @ 65-70%
ADV: Same

10min AMRAP
5 Pull-ups
10 Plank Up/Downs
50m Run (wall to wall)

Bonus Work: 3x30sec dead hang from bar, 3x1min wall sits, 3×20 reverse crunches

Advanced WOD:
For Time:
6 Rounds
24 Squats
24 Push-ups
24 Walking Lunges
400m Run

TEC WOD: 12 rounds – Hill Repeats – Mailbox to Curb (rest is walk back down) Total time is score(**It’s supposed to be pretty chilly in the morning so if the morning crew wants, do 10 rounds of 250m Row, rest 30 sec)















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