Tuesday, 9.23.14

**Due to a scheduling conflict, we will be moving the Friday Night Lights (supporting Special Olympics) to the following Friday, Oct. 10th! The event will still start at 6:30pm.
Please mark this on your calendar as we have WOD’s and Fun planned for the evening! Hope you can make this Event!

If you are interested in improving your pullups, check out yesterday’s blog! And start today!!
Also….Work. On. Your. Doubleunders!!
Strict Press 5 x 5 @ 70% of 1 rep max
(Advanced strength is same)
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
10 Handstand Push-ups
15 Box Jumps (24 / 20)
100m Run

Bonus Work:
3-1 Min Planks
3 x 15 V-ups
Row for Calories

Advanced WOD:
run 1200m
25 T2B
run 800m
20 T2B
run 400m
15 T2B

TECS WOD: “CrossFit Endurance Total”: 200m Time Trial (TT), 400m TT, 800m TT, 1600m TT with 5min rest in between each trial. You will have 4 different scores for the board as well as total time with rest periods

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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