Tuesday, 9.30.14


Last day of the month…Last day to get those calories in on the rowing! Kudos to all of the athletes who have stayed after class to get the extra work in…October will bring another challenge and bonus work to make YOU Better Than Yesterday! 🙂

Stay tuned tomorrow for the Tuesday Transformation story!!

Just a heads up on the 6:30pm classes…numbers have got to INCREASE otherwise we will have to eliminate it; so if you want it to stay, show up at 6:30pm! We need at least 3 at the class consistently so if you normally come to that class…get there TOMORROW!! No Excuses!

CrossFit Total on Saturday!! If you are fairly new to CF and have not done the Total, make plans to be there! It is your 1RM on the back squat, strict press, and deadlift; you get 3 attempts to lift and this helps on your percentages for our weekly strength programming. So sign up on the board for either an 8am or 9am slot!

CONGRATS to Dave Rice on passing is CrossFit Level 1 Test! Dave will start shadowing some classes beginning in October! Happy to have him on the CFU Coaching Team! 🙂

Way to go to everyone who made it in on Monday for OHS and “Helen”…lots of PR’s and check your time from March 28 when we last saw “her” last…How did you do?? This is why it’s important to keep track of your workouts! It’s incredible to see the growth of people in just a few months; think about how you will look back after a year and see how far you’ve come!! Exciting stuff! 🙂 Keep being Awesome!



Bench Press 6×3-build to 3RM(advanced the same)

For Time:

30-20-10 rep rounds of:

Doubleunders (3x singles)

Wall-Balls (20/14)

Scales: 25-15-5, 20-10-5

Bonus Work

4 x 15 V-ups

2 min Hollow Hold

3- 1 min Nose to Wall



3 rounds

2 full Blvd loops

-2 rounds “Cindy” *5 pull-ups*10 Push-ups*15 Squats


Advanced WOD:

6min AMRAP

100m run w/wallball 20/14

25 bearhugger squats 20/14

2min rest

6min AMRAP

5 Deadlift 115/85

5 hang power clean 115/85

5 push press 115/85

2min rest

6min AMRAP

ME row for meters

*bearhugger squat=arms wrapped around wallball like in a “bear hug” forcing you to keep chest up, don’t squat with arms underneath like performing a wb throw

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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