Wednesday, 01.02.2019

Strength5x16(8 each leg) Back Rack Walking Lunges up to AHAP

5×16(8 each leg) Back Rack Walking Lunges up to AHAP


6 Min AMRAP:

12 KB Deadlift (2×70/53)

12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

-5 Min Rest-

8 Min AMRAP:

8/6 Cal. Row

8 Box Jump Overs (24/20)

8 KB Deadlift (2×70/53)

*score is total Rounds + Reps from Both AMRAP’s


18min AMRAP

5 Manmakers

10 Push Press

15 Situps (1 DB)

20 DU’s (2x singles)

15 Squats (1 DB)

10 Devils Press

5 Burpees

Men: 35#

Women: 25#


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