Midweek always brings the “how did Wednesday get here so fast” and I can’t wait for the weekend to rest, for me. For the past few weeks I HAVE been tired, but I tried not to let that feeling get the best of me…I could have slept in every morning and not made working out a priority, I could have turned to poor choices with nutrition because my emotions were subject to take over, and I could have just given in to the “tired”…but I want more for myself and make my health one of my main priorities.
I want that for you as well…take that extra effort to overcome the tired and do what’s best for YOU!
Tired~Lisbeth Darsh
Tired is in your mind.
Tired is your brain trying to tell you to stop. To rest. To take a break. Be kind to yourself. Wait. Breathe.
Tired is the callsign of the underachiever. The watchword of the disappointed. The cry of those not bathed in their own success. Tired becomes its own excuse.
“I’m tired.”
“I felt exhausted.”
“Could have done it, but I was tired.”
Tired is you vs you. Who will win?
When you’re in the middle of some stupid, horrible workout? When you’re in the middle of some stupid, horrible part of life? The you who works harder and stays on task? Or the you who lets up, wanders off, succumbs to her own doubts?
Everyone is tired. Everyone. But the successful don’t let tired win. They win instead.
Odd: 12 KB single leg DL (increase weight from last time or use 2KB)
Even: 45s plank hold
10 min AMRAP:
10 T2B
8 KB (53/35)
20min AMRAP
200m run (300m row)
5 DB Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
10 Scottish Get ups(5 each side)