Thanks to everyone who brought in a friend on Tuesday! I think there were at least 5 new people introduced to CrossFit today! Keep on them and tell them to give me a call so they can get started with the CFU family!
Remember on Friday we will have an adjusted schedule due to the Friday Night Lights at 6:30pm…No 5:15pm class! To all of the athletes who have been showing up for the Open workouts on Fridays, kudos to you! These workouts have not been easy! Keep up the great work!
Skill work
Box jumps (technique and efficiency only)
Deadlift (155/115)
Russian KB (53/35)
Russian Twists (53/35)
Sit-ups (53/35)
Scale: 15-9-6 and by weight
Happy Hump Day!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!