Wednesday, 07.02.14


The CHALLENGE is ON!! Who else needs to sign up for the TEAM 5,000 Reps in July…Doubleunders and Abs….split the reps to 1,250 each for the month; this averages about 40/day of each, but you can do more if you want. Just come up with some sort of record keeping to log your work.

If you have liked the CFU Facebook page, I posted a good article on running/working out in the heat and humidity…please use caution when it gets extremely hot; you can still WOD, but if your body is not ready for the heat (hydrated/fueled), it will not be pretty! Just be smart!

Remember the hours for Friday-6:30am and 9am ONLY; CLOSED on Saturday and Sunday…

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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