If some of you didn’t catch the earlier message, Saturday’s class will be at 8am and there will be NO OPEN gym! So rise and shine early if you want to WOD!
Keep in mind that as a responsible athlete, you need to listen to your body! If you have been training hard, then do yourself a favor and REST! That happened to me today when I really wanted to try this #6 inspired WOD…I knew it would be a bit better than #9’s from Sunday! 😉 Anyways, ran the first 50m of the warmup and said nope, you’ve gotta rest…so it’s early to bed again for me and I’ll tackle it again tomorrow!
Keep up all the hard work everyone!!
Don’t forget: Pool Party Friday, July 25th 7:30-9
CF Games Watch Party, Sunday, July 27th following the 3pm WOD @ Fred and Sarah’s house.
Hope there are LOTS of you at both events!!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!
a href=”http://www.catalystathletics.com/articles/section.php?sectionID=1″>Want to be Better @ Push-ups??