Wednesday, 09.26.2018

20 rep touch and go deadlift 5 to 10 LBS more than last week(or if you didn’t do last
week, go AHAP that you know you can get 20 unbroken)…then 3×10 touch and go deadlift
@80% of your 20 rep weight…then 3×8 Romanian Deadlift AHAP with feet on #45 plate (so
plates don’t hit the ground at the bottom)…Allow at least 20-25 Minutes for strength portion.
***If there are more than 12 in a class, half of the class can do workout first, then strength

For Maximum Cals in 20 Mins:
P1: 1 min ME Row
P2: 1 min ME Ski Erg
P3: 1 min ME Assault Bike
P4: 1 min rest
*So 1 member of each team starts at row/erg/bike or rest and rotates constantly for 20 mins
with the cals on each constantly running and score is all three combined.
***If there are more than 12 in a class, half of the class can do workout first, then strength

20min AMRAP
Praxair Run
10 DB “Lungesters” (DB’s on shoulders, Lunge Right, Lunge Left, DB Thruster)
10 DB Good Mornings
10 Hollow Rocks
Men: 35-40#
Women: 25-30#


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