Wednesday, 10.2.13

nutrition pic


If you all tackled “Karen” OR the “Broomstick Mile” then make sure you are drinking plenty of water and keeping your legs stretched and loose…Sitting around for 24 hrs will do more harm than good! If you aren’t coming to the box Wednesday, then get out and do a run/bike/walk to stay mobile. DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) generally hits 24 hrs post workout. To help flush the lactic acid out of those muscles, the water plus rolling out helps; you can also, if you are at home, take your broomstick handle or even a rolling pin to roll out your quads.

Way to go everyone who PR’ed Karen AND those who got through that “beast” of a workout! I’m sure there are other names you can call her! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Wednesday is the END of the 30-day Nutrition Challenge…if you are still in it, then get your measurements done by FRIDAY!! Congrats to those who made progress through the challenge!

Reminder that there will be a Parents Night out on Friday from 6:30-10:30pm at the box, there are a few kids there who will be playing basketball, volleyball, dodgeball or watching movies. Cost is $15 for first child, $10 for second child, and $5 for each kid thereafter. You deserve a night out…make your significant other treat you! ๐Ÿ˜‰

****Please sign up at the box if you would like a pullover or a zip up Hoodie! It may not be too cold right now, but you will appreciate one of these next month! Order by Thursday!! Cost will be between $28-38…There are a couple of sample sizes hanging up if you would like to try them.****

Know what day it is?? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Have a good one!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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