Strength:20 rep touch and go deadlift 5 to 10 LBS more than last time(or if you haven’t done the cycle before, go AHAP that you know you can get 20 unbroken)…then 3×10 touch and go deadlift @80% of your 20 rep weight…then 3×8 Romanian Deadlift AHAP with feet on #45 plate (so plates don’t hit the ground at the bottom)…Allow at least 20-25 Minutes for strength portion.
20 rep touch and go deadlift 5 to 10 LBS more than last time(or if you haven’t done the cycle before, go AHAP that you know you can get 20 unbroken)…then 3×10 touch and go deadlift @80% of your 20 rep weight…then 3×8 Romanian Deadlift AHAP with feet on #45 plate (so plates don’t hit the ground at the bottom)…Allow at least 20-25 Minutes for strength portion.
EMOM for 25 Mins:
1st Min: 12 Power Cleans (115/80)
2nd Min: 14/12 Cal. Ski Erg
3rd Min: 8 Bar Facing Burpees
4th Min: 12 T2B
5th Min: 12/9 Cal. Assault Bike
*290/265 Reps if completed RX
20min AMRAP
Praxair Run
6 Overhead Lunges Right Arm
6 Overhead Lunges Left Arm
12 Push Presses
18 DB Rows (9 each arm)
24 DB Hop Overs