Wednesday, 10.9.13

overhead squats

HOLY EITHER/OR WOD WEEK!! I do believe we set a record today with the number of athletes through the door on a TUESDAY!!! 74 athletes checked in (I sure hope everyone did anyways!) along with 10 of my Masters and 6 Kids! What an Awesome day!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Love to see the camaraderie among all of the athletes…and a special welcome to Chad & Kevin from Branson and Brandon from Joplin who are here for a few days for some training. Has been great having you three with us.

Coming to Friday Night Lights?? If you have never been to a “box function”, why not?? Come check it out! You can choose to WOD or just watch…party after! Starts at 6:30pm…THERE WILL BE NO 5:15pm class FRIDAY!!!! Just come and WOD Friday night!

So I had some mixed emotions today at the 4:30 class…on one hand, I’m VERY happy for Delane who will be getting married on Saturday, but also sad to see her leaving CFU as she and her soon to be husband, Chris will be living in TX. We will miss you TONS!! Everyone has been invited to the reception on Saturday night in Holts Summit. Starts about 7pm…check the flyers at the box for more information!

Everyone ready for the either/or WOD for Wednesday?? Sure hope so…fyi…no running or rowing in this one! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I have created some “Either/Or” WOD’s in WODTogether for whether it’s for time or rounds/reps. Find the appropriate category and fill in your info. You can enter in the comments on weights used and such.

If you aren’t using WODTogether, then I suggest you get on the computer and see what it has to offer. If you go to your profile, over to the right you can select 4 week progress and see everything you have done in the month. It’s great to see your all’s progress! WODTogether also provides the coaches feedback on what you are doing and are striving for. Please give it a shot if you have not been entering your information! (Btw, CFU is paying for this service! And I would really like to keep it as long as it is being utilized properly. Please and Thank You!)

Know what day it is?? An Either/Or HUMP DAY!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!




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