24,710#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was CFU’s Total weight lifted today!! That’s a LOT of pounds!! Way to go!
What makes me happy?? Seeing the excitement in everyone when they reached a PR on one of their lifts today…some of you 30+# on some! Freakin’ Amazing! Just some highlights I saw…JZ jumping up and down after her deadlift PR, Norma’s excitement PRing ALL three lifts, Shelly who just started last week reaching triple digits on her deadlift, Sledge and Emily helping out the “new guys” and not complaining a bit AND PRing their lifts, Louis and his 455# creative deadlift, Chris breaking 1000# on his total, Lanette, Tammy and Sherry teaming up to lift heavy heavy on the deadlift, LacyR saying “I never thought I could do that”, Brooke saying that I was “magic” (ha, just coaching a talented athlete girl!) when she PRed her back squat and deadlift after some cues, Lauren shaking her head at me thinking she could never lift that heavy (no more slacking on your back squat and deadlift girl!), Steve going heavy on the deadlift and succeeding after a few yells from the crowd, Shawn throwing up the press like it was nothing, Mr. Ecstatic blessing our presence at the 6:30pm class and him and Jared paired up to PR a BUNCH of weight, Amanda giddy as all get out with her 500# Total, Sarah hitting 200# on her deadlift….And my list can go on forever, and sorry if you aren’t on here, but know that I’m PROUD of each and every one of you for giving it your best effort today! Thanks for being so encouraging to one another; this was truly an amazing thing to watch today!
NOW you see what you can do so let’s get busy on getting even BETTER!!!
Remember we are closed Thanksgiving and will only have ONE WOD Friday-10am (open gym 11-Noon), regular time on Saturday.
Thanks for everyone who brought in items for the food drive (if you forgot, you can bring on Wednesday!)