Wednesday, 12.4.13

be yourself

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ~ Oscar Wilde

When you walk into CFU, it’s You vs. You…everyone else is worried about themselves, so focus on what YOU can do not what the others are doing. The only thing that matters is that you get to the box as often as possible to do WORK! Today was a tough workout…a workout, including the strength and regular WOD had 4 different lifts. You know how you get better at them?? You do them over and over with correct form! I had several people comment that the last time we did this WOD that they used heavier wt and did better on their times! Consistency is key in CrossFit…I love seeing the same faces come through the door day in and day out. You are going to be BETTER because YOU are doing WORK!! Be proud of YOU and what you have done today, yesterday, this week, this month, and this year! Where were you a year ago?? Think about that and then look to the future of how much better you are going to become! I can’t wait to see where your journey takes you!! 🙂

Heads up on the Mid-MO Fitness side of things…Looking at having an Open House on Saturday, Dec. 21st  in the afternoon…Remember to SAVE THAT DATE anyways as that is our CFU Christmas party in the evening…6:30pm-?? Bring some drinks, a snack, the fam cause we are going to have a good time…I’ve also got something to share with y’all…Remember LAST year’s Christmas party?? 😉

Club volleyball has started and they are renting the vball court in the evenings so be careful of the heavier “traffic” and drive sloooooooow in the parking lot!

Missouri weather is supposed to change for the worse on Thursday evening so be watching the blog/facebook for updates of any class changes. If at all possible we will always be open during the class times, but if there are potential road hazards then I will cancel classes. You should be checking the blog for announcements all the time anyways, right?? 🙂

Saturday we will be doing a Hero WOD to honor the victims of Pearl Harbor (12/7/1941). Sure hope you can make it!

One last thing, I’ve had people in the past give me ideas for different WOD’s like this morning, “Running Annie”…what would you like to see more of? And this isn’t a reverse psychology thing…I love creating workouts that are fun and help you reach your goals at the same time…Any suggestions on a WOD or something you would like to see? Respond on the blog or the Facebook post or send me a text/email…I promise no “Kalsu” for a lonnnnnnggggggg time! 🙂

Okay, here’s to a Fab Wednesday! Bring your $2.50 tomorrow if you would like to try one of the FitAid’s …I tried one and it tastes kinda like a Fresca or Squirt (I loved that drink as a kid!)

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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