Everyone is continuing to come through CFU’s doors regardless of the heat…NO EXCUSES, right?? Continue to drink that water and get those electrolytes in and fuel your body the RIGHT way!!
Remember to mark your FitAids that you take and pay for…$2.50/can or you can purchase a punchcard (10/$22 or 24/$48)
Did you all catch the minor schedule changes for September?? Two classes ONLY on Labor Day-6:30am and 9am…Let’s pack the box! No more 6:30am classes on T/Th; I will ADD an 8:30am on Tuesdays and Masters will be on T/Th at 9:30am.
Until we get enough participation, the CFU Barbell class on Saturday mornings (10am) will be an Open Gym; the same goes for Tuesdays at 6:30pm –I know people are busy, but these are the times set aside for these classes, so if you want to get better on your lifts (and you don’t have to be a heavy lifter either-this is for ANYONE!), you should try a class and see where it takes you!
So as of this afternoon I am still needing ACH forms from Tom/Anna, StaceyD, John/Brooke, Carey, Gary/Kerri, Elena/Morgan, Janel, Jared, JulieL, KimP, KyleSch, Nick, RobynS, Shana, and Sheila. I apologize if you left it this afternoon, but a sick child kept me from the box this afternoon. Tomorrow I will be sending texts/emails for this request so be ready for Belinda 😉 I’ve got to get all of the information entered into the system; the sooner the better! Thanks for your cooperation! 🙂
I believe this is the “Goodbye WOD” for Kevin, Justin, and Gabe who have been with us for awhile while working at the nuclear plant. You guys will be missed! Hopefully you can drop in a time or two for the FUN!! Take care guys and have FUN with this one! 🙂
10 min ankle, hip, shoulder mobility
For Time:
“Running Fran”
Thruster 95/65
*Weighted Run down to the stop sign and back 20/14 med ball or slam ball after each set.
Do you know how “Fran” came about? I actually read about this last night in “Learning to Breathe Fire” and wallah, here’s a video on the exact topic… a few cuss words, but gives you the background of how this little WOD was invented and how “she” got its name… 🙂
Have a FRANtastic Day!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!