Who out there meal preps? I used to consistently on Sunday afternoons, but have got a bit lazy and just rely on what’s in the fridge, cabinets or maybe takeout (as healthy as possible!). I’m going to try and get back in the groove these next few weeks and FOCUS on a Plan!
I know this, but why don’t I follow through? Because I lack the structure and accountability. I think I mentioned the other day (heck, it may have been yesterday-it’s been a long day!) that I was going to be participating in a meal prep workshop so hopefully I can help you all out as well with the knowledge that I gain.
I think the first thing we need to look at when thinking about meal prepping is blocking off a time where you can spend at least 2 hours in the kitchen (I try to spend a bit less bc of my schedule and I’m not a fancy dancy cook 😉 ) So you’ve got Sunday afternoon blocked off in your calendar…Next up, what are you going to make? You need a shopping list, right? Do you go to the store, send your spouse/kids or do you have it delivered? I like to go myself so I know what I’m getting!
Plan on having 2 different proteins (lean meats, chicken, fish) and a couple of sides then some fresh veggies and fruit that is already cut up and easier to grab and go. I rarely use the 3-compartment containers but they are very handy! Especially if you don’t mind eating the same thing over and over. You can easily bake some chicken in the oven while you are preparing some rice or sweet potatoes (starchy carbs) and cutting/dicing up veggies. All of this can be prepped in those 2 hours; placed in your containers and you are good to go for a few days!
Again, this takes PLANNING! I don’t know about you but if I go to a store when I’m hungry, I tend to buy things that I shouldn’t! Write out your list of things you’d like to try throughout the week, shop on Friday or Saturday then prep away on Sunday! That’s my plan anyway!
This week I’m prepping some egg muffins for breakfast, some protein pancakes and baked chicken. I buy the big bags of Birds-Eye veggies and steam 3-4 servings and portion out when I’m ready. I also like to have apples on hand for a quick carb and frozen fruit available for a quick smoothie in the blender.
So, make that list and PLAN on succeeding this week with your meal prep! I’ll keep you posted on how I’m doing either on here or my CFU Facebook page or IG. If you have more questions about fitness and nutrition, you can book a free consultation on how we can get you started to a healthier you! Book Here!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!