Winning…Monday 6.29.20

I Got To…

Pretty sure I won today! πŸ™‚ Does anyone else dread Mondays come Sunday evening? You start getting anxious and start worrying about your to do list and what’s waiting for you at work…I know that probably happens to many of you. It does to me sometimes as well, but this weekend I went in with a plan.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail…you’ve heard that one right? It is pretty true. If you go haphazardly about your day and don’t have a plan in mind, then all hell can break loose and you end up either starting over or beating yourself up.

The other day I wrote about worrying about what you can control. This has helped my mental state…I know when I have to wake up, I know what I’m going to eat for my meals and I know when I want to do my workout. What I can’t control is actions from other people like the person who pulled out in front of me this morning and then proceeded to take the next right. Grrr, but I couldn’t let it deter my mental state, my plan was to go forward and WIN Monday! So…

  • I GOT TO workout early this morning at Open Gym.
  • I GOT TO welcome 20 young volleyball players into the gym for their volleyball clinic.
  • I GOT TO buy a person’s breakfast in the drive thru line.
  • I GOT TO coach the noon class and watch a brother/sister duo do the same workout just at different abilities.
  • I GOT TO have lunch out (Chic-fil-a…I know not the best choice but hadn’t had it FOREVER! πŸ™‚ ).
  • I GOT TO get my haircut and pray for my hairdresser who is battling cancer πŸ™
  • I GOT TO go back to the gym and tackle the regular workout all by my lonesome…sometimes when you workout by yourself it gets a little lonely and you don’t push as much, but today’s workout was a mental battle and although I didn’t win the doubleunder battle, I still won because I didn’t quit!
  • I GOT TO coach 2 up and coming sophomores on the volleyball court this afternoon and I can’t wait to see what they do on the court!
  • I GOT TO talk to a member who just lost his wife; he is doing good and is ready to get back to the gym…I get to pray for him and his family.
  • I GOT TO coach the 4:30 class and razz them a bit…these classes, these people, all help me win my days! They are my Tribe! πŸ™‚
  • I GOT TO coach my 5th/6th grade volleyball team to a sweep tonight! 3 wins – AGAIN! They have improved so much!
  • Finally, I GOT TO come home to dinner cooked for me (spaghetti squash and meat sauce – a little bit more healthy than lunch πŸ˜‰ )
  • OH! And I GOT to write this! Not even sure anyone reads these, but I’m on a little streak…15 days straight of posting on the blog!

My point being in all of this…Look at all of the WINS you have and the things you GET TO do that maybe others can’t experience! If you look on the bright side of things and continue to look for the wins then life gets a little bit brighter and you will continue to help develop a more positive mindset!

So who is going to WIN Tuesday with me?? πŸ™‚

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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