November 2011-The “Baby Box” 🙂
Took a break from my mega To Do list and for some reason I went back to some old emails saved and this one struck a chord as I’ve been contemplating starting another nutrition/fitness challenge. Well, I know things happen for a reason and that’s why this was the first email I clicked on…This was back in 2010, approximately one year prior to opening CFU. Crazy how things work, eh? Well, back in 2009, I needed a reason to start my journey and now I’m asking you, what are your reasons for starting and continuing CrossFit and a healthy lifestyle…Here are my reasons (not much has changed in 5 years either 🙂 )
My reasons are many as to why I continue living the BFL way…Number one I needed to do this for ME…I wanted/needed to look and feel better for myself. I had done BFL back in 2001/02 and had great results so I knew what it took to get back there…Number two for my immediate family, to be a better wife and mother and a good role model for my kids. My husband has taken to eating the BFL way and has lost 25#, his next goal is to lose 15# more and is going to start lifting (yes he lost the 25# by just changing eating habits! Lucky!); my daughters have asked me to make up workouts for them so they can be fitter and stronger for their favorite sport of volleyball. My son brags on his mom’s muscles during PE class! =)
Number three for setting a good example for the 300+ students I teach every day. There I was back before Christmas of last year sitting on my rear telling them to exercise…I definitely was talking the talk and not walking the walk. Now my students look up to me and ask me when my next race is or what workout I did that day as they know I get up at 5 am to workout…number four, being a role model for the parents at my school; if I can get them to start thinking healthy then this would create a ripple effect and follow through with their children. We have to stop the vicious circle of unhealthy habits one person at a time. That is my mission for my school.
Number five-I want to become a personal trainer/CrossFit trainer and open my own gym in the near future….there are sooooo many people out there who need the RIGHT advice, not the “lose 30# in 30 days” crap…taking my “little group” through this journey has been very rewarding and I love the feeling of giving back and helping others. Number six which probably should have been listed first, is because my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit…God gave me this body and I should treat it the right way in order to honor Him. Number seven, I have met so many inspiring, motivating, and loving friends on this forum…and to continue on in life without them would make me lost…the connection to this forum is PRICELESS just like good health!
Feel free to comment on YOUR reasons…Have a Blessed Day!