Was great afternoon Sunday celebrating our 4 Strong Mamas! You four are AMAZING!!
The Piggy Banks will be at the box through Tuesday afternoon if you weren’t able to make it today! They are on the glass case right now, otherwise give to the trainer and he/she will take care of it. 🙂
There are a handful of shirts/hoodies available on the racks…do some shopping…these need to go to make room for new sportswear!! This week only…Buy one, get one 50% off! Check the stuff out!
As you can see from the post, I’ve added bonus work for anyone who wants to take advantage!
If you are interested in transforming your eating habits and changing your life then come to the Nutrition Meeting on Monday night May 4th at 6:30pm…bring a notebook and clothes to workout in!
More information is on the previous post so check it if you have questions!
OHS 5×3 @75% (3sec tempo down)
*Front Squat Cycle 6×2 @80%
5 Rounds
5 Push Press (95/65)
10 Wallballs (20/14)
15 Burpees
20 Situps
25 Single Jumps 🙂
100m Run
Scales: 4/3 rounds
Bonus Work: 3×30 second plank holds, 3×15 second handstand holds, 3×15 straight leg situps
Happy Monday!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!