Monday, 1.13.14

Anyone drop their “baby” on Sunday?? Was really cool having everyone show up to grit through this WOD…what a perfect day to run! 🙂 I’m sure it was nice getting rid of that weight afterwards, wasn’t it?? Crazy how just that bit of weight can hinder your movement, eh??
Going to give a shout out to Chris White who was in Minnesota this past weekend getting his Level 1 certification! Can’t wait to hear about your experience!
CF Games Open registration begins on WEDNESDAY!! If you are wanting to know more about the games, then check this out CrossFit Games Open 2014
Hoping a lot of you look into it; we will even have a scaled division for those who want to experience the “Games Format”.
Welcome to our new members…John (Gwen’s husband), Lindsey, and Jess! Looking forward to seeing you all in class this week! 🙂
Happy Monday…Fight for your goals!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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