It’s WODFest Week! Lots of stuff to get ready!!
Monday following the 8:30am class we will be spiffin’ up the box so if you can help, that would be great!
Also, Friday night following the 5:15pm WOD, we will be setting up for the competition! So if you can’t make it tomorrow or Saturday and would like to help out, come on over!
Saturday is the BIG day! We are asking that the CFU members park at MODoT, Jefferson Plaza, or the parking lot up behind Lee’s. Thanks for your help on this!
Keep bringing in those canned goods! All of those and a percentage of the WODFest is going to the Samaritan Center! Thanks in advance!
Front Squat: 4×3 @ 80%
12min AMRAP
30 DU’s (3x singles)
20 KB Snatches 53/35-alt arms
10 Pullups
Scales: 10/8 minutes
Bonus Work: 3x1min pushup plank, 3×20 Supermans, 3×10 V-ups
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!