Saturday, 01.31.15

imageLast day this month to participate for the #Books4Babies campaign! Thanks to everyone who has helped in this worthy cause! You have made a difference for these families and their babies! Thank You!

7:30 Crazy WOD on Saturday…The WOD will be drawn from our “CFU Hopper” Saturday morning so it will be a surprise! Remember that a lot of the trainers participate in these WOD’s and athletes are “on their own”…these WOD’s CAN be modified and scaled as needed, but know that you need to know what you are doing in terms of the lifts and technique.

CFU’s Birthday Bash Forms/money (benefitting the Special Learning Center) are due on TUESDAY…I should have a shirt as a sample at the box and I will post the design on member’s facebook page. The PARTY is on Saturday, February 21st starting at 4pm with WOD’s, workouts for the kids, BBQ, volleyball and some social time! If you haven’t been to one of our box parties, this is one to come to! Please RSVP asap as I need  count for the BBQ as well!

First CFU Friday Night Lights Open is Friday, February, 27th starting at 6:30pm! Are you going to participate this year?? Get your name signed up on the big dry erase board in the mobility area! 🙂 It’s a lot of fun whether you “compete” or just come and hang out to watch. Social time after 🙂

10rds For Time (1 partner completes 1rd while other is resting, no sharing of reps)


10 DL 225/155

10 thruster 95/65

10 T2B

Have a great weekend!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.