CONGRATS to Amanda and Gabe on the birth of their precious baby girl, Izora “Iza” June! Born 6-23-15 7lbs 14oz 19.75 inches long!! She’s a beauty! 🙂
Crazy WOD at 7:30am; TJ Clime 5K at 8am (TJMS), Regular WOD at 9am!
Sunday we will have the WODFest meeting at 4:30 at McAlister’s. If you have ideas for sponsors or ideas for making this year’s competition better than last year, please let us know!! Together we can make this a GREAT Comp! Thanks in advance for any help!
Skill Work
12 minutes – alternate between 2-3 movements
Part A: With Partner…Complete as many reps possible in 6 minutes of:
3 STO (135/95) – 10 DU’s(1/2 attempts)
6 STO – 20 DU’s
9 STO – 30 DU’s…Continue adding 3 to STO and 10 to DU’s for as long as possible-partners alternate STO/DU’s
Rest 4 min THEN
10min AMRAP
Partner A runs 100m
Partner B Finishes: 5 Burpees, 5 Hollow Rocks, 5 Squats