Thanks to everyone who came out last night for the Christmas party! Hope everyone had fun! I’m sure the guys want a rematch with “The Girls” on the volleyball court! ๐
Congrats to the winners of the drawings: $50 Gift Certificates: Priscilla and Nate; $25 Gift Certificates: Shawn and Garrett Brice (both drawn by Garrett-how does that happen ๐ ); Hoodie: Nicole and T-shirt: Christine!
And how about those Dirty Santa drinks…the Grey Goose, RumChata and Jimmy’s “Lava Lamp” were the most stolen of the evening — thanks for participating guys and gals!
As we approach a busy holiday week, please refer to the holiday hours which are slightly changed (a couple posts down OR on the calendar at the box) We will have our annual “Special Christmas Coffee” on Christmas Eve at the 5:15am and 8:30am classes–don’t miss it ๐ “byoc” (cup)
Also be thinking of taking time for YOU this week; like Andi said in a post the other day, come to the box when you really don’t feel like it…I promise you will get more out of that hour that you bargained for! Beat those people sitting on the couch–Be Better Than Yesterday–Christmas is the holiDAY, NOT the whole week!
Sunday’s WOD…
12min EMOM Suck Bucket Work-3 movements
Partner WOD
- 4 rounds โ 200m run with Wallball (20/14), 25 WB, 10 Burpees over WB, 10 Pullups (split run/reps as needed
- Rest 5 min
- 20 Thrusters (135/95)-20 Power cleans-20 Push Jerks-20 OHS โ 20 Front Squats **Start with EMOM 4 synchronized burpees over the bar and continue EMOM until lifts are finished. Partners must step/jump over bar at same time
- Rest 5 min
- Run 1 Blvd LOOP together.
(Scales and modifications will be available so No Excuses!)
Now…Will I see a full box this afternoon?? Sure hope so!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!