December Athletes of the Month!

Congrats to CFU’s athletes of the month, Lacy Rice and Kyle Heislen!

Lacy Rice – 27

Husband- David Rice

Child – Makenzie (18 months)

Employment- Sr. Corporate Auditor at Shelter Insurance

Favorite Movement- running, box jumps, power clean

Least Favorite Movement- Overhead squat (I’m working on not disliking them so much) and DUs (I will get them back someday!)

How long I’ve been crossfitting- almost 1.5 years; I started in July 2013, six weeks or so after Makenzie was born.

What I love most about CFU- Oh where should I start… I was very hesitant to start doing crossfit. Dave started while I was pregnant and told me I had to start after Kenzie was born because I would love it. All I had ever done previous to that was running outside or doing cardio machines and a few of the weight machines at a normal gym. Of course I didn’t believe him, but after I did start, I was very happy I did. I HATE to admit it, but he was right (note: This may be the only time that I will ever admit that!).

I really enjoy all the people at CFU. Everyone is so friendly, helpful, and encouraging. I enjoy going to work out now because I get to see my crossfit family. I love how the trainers (and others) have pushed me to do more weight because they had the confidence in me that at one point I didn’t have in myself. I am so thankful to them because without them I may have still been in that “I can’t” mindframe. I also love encouraging and pushing others whether it is racing Shawn 🙂 or pushing others to do heavier weights.

I believe there are still a lot of members at CFU who are not sure what they are fully cabable of (especially you women). I challenge you to put more weight on that bar! Yes, the workout may take you longer, but you will get a lot more satisfaction out of knowing you finished the workout doing RX. You can’t get any stronger if you just slide by doing the same weight continually.

I also love how crossfit in general has changed my mindframe about body image. Prior to crossfit I just worked out to be “skinny”…and I was very selfconcious of what the scale said. Since crossfit, I would rather be strong than skinny, even if that means my thighs are a little bigger (b/c of all the muscle!) and the weight on the scale has increased a little. I hope to instill this thought to my daughter as she grows up.

Finally, I love getting to push myself to my limits everyday, seeing the improvements (crazy how far I’ve come even in the last six months), occasionally beating my husband in a workout (I know it is you against yourself, but not when it comes to competing against your husband!), and getting to feel like a bad ass on a daily basis!

Kyle Heislen

Age: 43

Spouse: Cindy

Occupation:  Department of Education, Federal Grants Management

How long at Cross Fit:  Since February 2014 (10 months)

Favorite movements are the Deadlift and power clean and least favorite is the snatch!
What I love the most about Cross Fit:  6:15 a.m. because I know I just made it through another workout.  What I really like the most about Cross Fit is the people.  From the trainers who push you and keep you doing the movements correctly, to the others in class who are encouraging you and helping you get to where you want to go, everyone works as a team to get their own personal goals accomplished no matter what those goals are.  Everyone there are there for a reason, and no matter what the reason, all are there to be “Better than Yesterday”.  

I started Cross Fit as part of a Biggest Loser competition.  I needed something to light a fire under me because the life I was living wasn’t exactly healthy (not that I am the poster child of health now, but I am “Better than Yesterday”.)  I started the 101 class just wanting to try something different.  From day 1, whether you were in the 101 class or you were doing the regular strength and WOD, anyone who was at the Box was there to help you.  I never felt like I was at the gym where you have people judging you.  

Everyone has always been there to help you and push you and to do what it takes for you to meet your goals.  That’s what makes CFU a great place…..and that’s what wakes me up at 4:15am and gets me going for the day.  



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