Tuesday, 07.28.15


Can’t wait to get back to the box and see everyone! Seems like I’ve been gone for a month! A reminder to sign up to volunteer for the CFU WODFest if you can! There will plenty to do and the more the merrier! 🙂 

The CFU Day Float Trip is still scheduled for Saturday, Aug. 15th! More information will be posted later this week! 

Just a heads up that in August, CFU will be doing a little fundraiser to help out the ABLE organization where they help with adult and children’s literacy. We will have monetary donations in order to “buy” the letter “U” for Unstoppable and collecting books for their annual book sale. I know I have plenty to give! Be watching for more info in August! 

Instructor led TEC WOD at 5:15am! Jen will have some tips and drills for you to make your running more efficient! 

Bench Press 4×8

100m Run – 4 rounds Cindy(5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats)
200m Run – 3 rounds Cindy
400m Run – 2 rounds Cindy
Blvd Loop – 1 round Cindy
Scale: 4,3,2; 4,3, or 4,2

TEC WOD  3 rounds: 800m run-rest 2min, 400m run-rest 1min, 200m run-rest 1min  

Advanced WOD
For Time:
400m run
45 back squats 135/95
400m run
30 front squats
400m run
15 OHS
400m run

Have a great Day and I’ll see ya at the box!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! 


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