I knew this was coming…I was getting “too comfortable” and not doing what I was supposed to be doing ๐ So I took the #$%&@ pics this morning THEN did an InBody this morning – What the What??
Just being very honest an vulnerable here because I don’t want to go back to that first pic(pre-CrossFit days obviously)…In almost a year I’ve gained 19#, however my muscle weight has gone up 5# so I’m not “that” upset with that. I am though upset how I’ve been letting one bite here and one bite there get me and I make excuses for it.
I’m doing the exact opposite of what I’m telling my clients!! I need to start walking the walk more and today is Day One instead of “One day I will start…”
I’m looking forward to starting to train with my Couch To 5K + Core group next week (there’s still spots available if you would like to sign up!) Here’s the link: Couch To 5K + Core I think this is just the kick start I need to one get back into running and two, shed this extra weight I’ve put on in the past several months.
So anyway, that’s my story and I’m stickin to it…I don’t want to go backwards so I better get my butt in gear – literally!
Here’s to great results, one day at a time! ๐ I’m off to clean that dirty bathroom mirror ๐
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!