Belinda Says


green apple

Well, sign up was to be done by TODAY!! I probably won’t get to teams until tomorrow morning so if you still want in, then I’ll “let” you text me your interest in the challenge tonight 🙂

Nutrition Challenge-will begin on Tuesday! I have 42 signed up!! There are some of you who have not paid yet; please do this when you get measured ($5, measure 2nd-5th). It takes about 3-4 min to get measured. If some of you are there on Labor Day, I can measure you then. The other trainers can measure as well, but it’s best to have the same trainer measure the second time. The guidelines have changed a bit because of the dollar amount of the challenge. We will not have the “tickets”. There will be some prizes…my goal here is to get as many people involved as possible in order to transform lives! We can do this! 🙂

This is who I have: myself, Andy, Carmen, Courtney, Emily, DebbieW, Norma, Penney, Elena, Steve, Angela, JennyB, JenG, Tiff, Fred, AmyW, Jason, NicoleB, LaceyV, Cathy, Katie, Peggy, Jayme, Andi, Sam, Angie, LaurenR, Becky,  JenZ, Huck, MichelleSc, SarahR, Brittney, Fuzzy, Gary, Tara, Julie, Sherry, Rachel, Delane, Kay, Saundra, Steph

Now…I’m going to take these names, assign you to a “Accountability Team” with a team leader so you will hopefully have more success. This is the person you can go to in the event you have a question. Remember the Internet and Google are your friends!! If after those resources your question still isn’t answered, you can ask Belinda 😉

I will make up a Facebook Nutrition Group and it will be a private group…of the 42 listed only 3 of you aren’t my friend on FB-sniffsniff! ha Friend request me so I can add you to the group.

On this page we will share recipes, helpful hints, etc…General positive encouragement. I will try to make the group on Sunday so you have time to prepare some food on Monday prior to the big day on Tuesday.

I look for BIG Changes in this group! Let’s make this happen! 🙂

Belinda Says

Yeah, but….

This article deals with scaling…why do we have you scale? To MAKE YOU BETTER!!!

Yeah But…

Posted on July 16, 2013 | 11:41 am by Erica Saint Clair

“Dude, that was awesome, way to fight through”

…“Yeah, but I scaled”

As if scaling is something to be ashamed of, as if scaling is for the weak and the untrained.

As if scaling means you didn’t do the workout – or your workout was less worthy because you scaled.

It isn’t.

“You did SO good!”

…”Yeah, but I used a lighter weight”

As if choosing the right weight for you means you will never get stronger and work up to the Rx’d weights. As if it is somehow the weaker choice.

It isn’t.

“That was amazing, great job today”

…”Yeah, but I used a band”

As if you should feel guilty using a band for a week, a month, a year or a lifetime. As if the band is something to hate and despise.

It isn’t.

“Good job finishing, way to not give up!”

…”Yeah, but I was last”

As if where you finish matters more than THAT you finished. As if finishing last means your WOD was easy.

It doesn’t.

We are all in a constant state of scaling – even the elite of the elite, even the few who make it to the finals at The CrossFit Games

Double unders are scaled triple unders, MU are scaled weighted MU, 15′ rope climbs are scaled 20′ climbs.

Sure, they aren’t called for in the WODs today, but what about tomorrow?

Scaling is how you get from where you are now to your future kickass self.

Scaling is how you stay safe and healthy.

Scaling is how you improve your technique and learn to lift heavier.

Scaling is how you finish the workouts and feel obliterated after, using a band instead of just staring at the bar for 10 min willing yourself to get a pullup.

Scaling, is NOT, however, something to be ashamed of or something that you can use to write off your WOD as a poor performance.

So next time you are crumpled on the floor gasping for air, be proud that you choose the right scale for you.

Be proud that you killed the WOD, and that the WOD killed you.

You ARE a CrossFitter! Be PROUD of that and BE BETTER THAN YESTERDAY!!!

Belinda Says

Nutrition Challenge Info!

good nutrition

CFU 30 day nutrition challenge

Click on the link to find out more about the upcoming challenge…I know several of us (me included!) who need a kick in the rear when it comes to nutritional habits! So let’s see what we can do…We CAN do anything for 30 days, right?? 🙂

Sign up will be at the box either this evening or on Tuesday.

Belinda Says

New Website!

Please be patient while we work out all the kinks! Thanks! 🙂