Belinda Says

Fake It til You Make It…

A good article posted this morning in our Nutrition Group which by the way is doing an AWESOME job!!! 23 days to go and I KNOW we are going to see GREAT results! Keep it up people! 🙂


Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits for they become your character. And watch your character for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become.

-Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady

The greatest enemy of a healthy lifestyle is your own mind. You can make it work with a small budget; you can make it work with kids; you can make it work on the road – but you can’t make it work unless you believe that you can.

That’s a huge stumbling block for so many people. For every Angie stepping up to bat and turning her life around, there’s someone else out there thinking “I can’t do this. I’m overweight. I’ve been overweight my whole life. I’m just not a healthy person.” Those thoughts create a whole identity around being sick and overweight. And once fall into that identity, it’s almost impossible to act differently: it just isn’t you.

But you can change that identity, from the inside out. Start acting and talking like the person you want to become, and you’ll start thinking like that person. And once you change the way you think about behavior, and the behavior itself will follow.

I Can’t vs. I Don’t

One of the most common questions from people who are just starting out is “can I have __________?”. Can I have gluten-free bread? Can I have stevia? Can I have coconut sugar? Can I have apple juice?

Well, here’s the ultimate answer for every single one of those questions: yes.

Yes, you can have any of these things. You can have gluten-free bread – or even regular, gluten-loaded bread, if you want it – all you have to do is go to the store. That’s the magic of the industrial food system: it’s all right there at your fingertips. Even if you make the commitment to eat Paleo, there is no all-powerful Healthy Food God reaching down to smack the Twinkie out of your hand. You’re an adult; you can eat pretty much anything you want.

So why do so many of us refuse unhealthy food by saying “I can’t have that”?

That might sound like just splitting hairs – after all, you’re really just using “I can’t have that” as a kind of shorthand for “I’m choosing not to eat that, because I know it’s not good for me in the long run.” You know that you could eat it, but you also know it’s not healthy for you, so you’ve decided that you won’t. So does it really matter what words you use?

Yes. The way you talk to other people – and the way you talk to yourself – about your life choices is incredibly significant. A study from the Journal of Consumer Research found that just saying “I can’t” vs. “I don’t” actually made an enormous difference in the subjects’ everyday lives. Dieters who were coached to say “I can’t” struggled more with food cravings and felt more deprived when they tried to resist unhealthy food, while dieters who were coached to say “I don’t” felt happier with their choices, and were more likely to stick with it in the long term.

That’s because “I can’t” means deprivation. It means you’d like to eat whatever it is, but you’re not allowed. And every parent of a 5-year-old knows that the fastest way to make something irresistible is to make it forbidden. When you say “I can’t have cake,” you’re setting yourself up as a passive victim of the big mean Paleo Diet Dictator, and that’s a miserable way to live. It’s no surprise that people have a hard time sticking to a diet when they talk about it like that.

On the other hand, “I don’t” is a statement of power. Every time you say “I don’t eat junk,” you’re claiming the power to define your identity as a healthy person. Just by saying the words, or even just by thinking them, you’re putting yourself in charge of your own life. It’s empowering. And human beings like power: it makes us feel good. You’re a lot more likely to stick with that positive, empowered feeling than the unhappy deprived feeling of “I can’t.”

You can use this for everything. “I don’t eat junk food.” “I don’t skip the gym.” “I don’t drink soda.” Whatever you want to change in your life, start by mentally reframing yourself as the kind of person who does/doesn’t do whatever it is.

But Isn’t That Lying?

What if you don’t really believe that you are that kind of person? If you caved in to the chocolate-chip cookies last night when you were stressed, is it really truthful to say “I don’t eat cookies” the next morning? Or maybe you really do feel deprived, and you’re tired of all this positive-attitude woo woo trying to convince you to just think happy thoughts. Sometimes you might feel like a total imposter, or just a liar when you say “I don’t.”

Here’s the thing, though: by saying it, you’re making it true. This has actually been well-documented as a psychological phenomenon. “Faking it ‘till you make it” creates a kind of positive feedback loop, and your words and behavior can actually change your thought patterns. The same is true for confidence and social skills: if you ask someone to act confident, even if it feels forced at first, then they’ll start actually feeling confident after a while. Even if they’re totally acting and inside they’re absolutely terrified, the acting still helps. One study found that body language does this too; for example, just crossing your arms can help you be more persistent.

This power to re-shape your own thought processes is huge. It means that it doesn’t matter if you “aren’t a healthy person,” because you always have the power to make yourself into one. You get to decide what kind of person you want to be: you just have to start playing the role, and eventually you’ll become the character.


The Power of “I Don’t”

There are all kinds of benefits to framing your decisions this way – benefits that go way beyond what you put in your mouth.

First of all, “I don’t” actually introduces a lot of positive energy to the environment. When you calmly and confidently assert your own identity, it’s a lot more attractive to other people than the woe-is-me attitude of “I can’t.” Everyone respects people who take control of their own lives, and when you say “I don’t” instead of “I can’t,” you’re putting yourself in that category.

It also frees you up from the self-centered spiral of feeling deprived and unhappy. When you spend a family dinner focusing on how unhappy you are because you “can’t have” lasagna, you’re not really there to enjoy the evening. It’s a double deprivation: not only are you feeling deprived because of your diet, but you’re also deprived of the love, companionship, and social interaction that you’d otherwise be getting. When you calmly decide that “I don’t eat lasagna,” then you get a double benefit: no more food deprivation and you can actually enjoy the company.

“I don’t” also leaves you a lot less open to people trying to persuade you otherwise. If you say “I can’t,” everyone knows you’re feeling deprived. And because they like you and want you to feel happy, they’ll try to persuade you that yes, you really can. They’ll try to give you “permission” to break your diet, thinking that it will help you relax and feel good. On the other hand, “I don’t” doesn’t leave you open to well-meaning justifications about “just this once” or “just a little bit.” You don’t. Full stop.

The Fear of “I don’t”

Despite all the benefits, shifting your thought patterns like this can be very frightening. If you’ve built your whole identity around being sick, if you’ve always experienced the world as a sick person, then being sick is part of who you are. Trying to change that identity is a huge leap of faith, and it’s absolutely terrifying. What’s going to be on the other side? Who will you even be, if you aren’t sick? Maybe you don’t like your identity right now, but at least it’s familiar, and that’s a kind of safety and comfort.

You can tell that this fear is holding you back if you start feeling a lot of resistance towards changing your habits, or you start stubbornly clinging to your “I can’t” statements. Maybe you’re saying something to yourself like “that won’t work for me – I’m too far gone to change myself just like that. It’s stupid.”

That kind of rejection is your lizard brain, clinging desperately to its old identity. See how “I’m too far gone” is a statement of identity, just like “I don’t…”? To your brain, new = scary, and the response is an all-out defense of all your comfortable, familiar habits and thought patterns.

Pushing past this kind of resistance is incredibly tough. The first step is to recognize that it’s going on, but it takes a lot of work even after that. Sometimes it takes several different tries. Sometimes it takes professional help, someone to work through the fear with you.

You can do it.

Do what you can to nourish the positive thoughts, but remember that it’s not the end of the world if you get stuck back in the trap of “I can’t” for a while. You have as many chances to succeed as you’re willing to give yourself. Maybe it has to be two steps forward, one step back all the way, but you’ll eventually make it there. You have got what it takes to make changes in your own life; you just have to believe it.

Belinda Says

Good post from Lisbeth…

How to Make Life Better Instantly

Essays |                     September 9, 2013                    by |                     0 Comments                                           

Are you annoyed about something? Angry? Or maybe just a little pissed off?

We all are. There’s nobody breathing among us who has not had their heart broken, their toes stepped on, and their wallet cheated.

The difference between all of us is what we DO about it. In our online society, the burgeoning first instinct seems to be to post something before doing something. (Or, sometimes, instead of doing something.) And that’s not very bright.

Think about it. You’re upset about something, so you’re going to first tell the world.  You complain. Essentially, instead of trying to change the situation to something acceptable, you prolong it. In essence, you willingly continue with non-productive pain. How smart is that? Is sympathy from a bunch of online “friends” more valuable than resolution? No. We’ve just become a little confused, and entranced with our online instant sympathy dose. We’re addicted.

Try this instead. It’s one step. ONE. Stay with me here.


Maybe that means you call someone who can make a change and talk calmly to him or her. Or email with a polite request. Or get up off your chair and talk to someone face-to-face. Ask to speak to a supervisor. Communicate with a loved one.

Vent after the fact if you have to. But act first. Gather information before, if you need to. But don’t squander your time. There’s far less of it than you realize.

Simply, get off your ass and make your life better right now.

Belinda Says WOD

Monday, 9.9.13


“When you know what you want, and you want it badly enough, you’ll find a way to get it .”
Jim Rohn


Great job, Sunday afternoon crew!! And welcome to our newbies, Dan, Jared, and Cassie! And Thanks Andi for ALL of the workouts! Phew!!!! Oh and to team 2, I still think your team was a little shady on those cards! 😉

Sign up sheet is up for the Swim Party next Sunday…from 12:30-?? Bring the whole family and a side dish. There will be NO WOD scheduled that day!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!

Belinda Says WOD

Sunday, 9.8.13

Power of Goal Setting

21 Jun 2010                 

by Jack Bottinger

While coaching at my first teaching job, we were fortunate to have gathered a group of excellent students who just  happened to play football. It was the custom back in the late ’60s to take the football team to camp for the upcoming season. Well, we were settled in Stroudsburg, Pa., somewhere in the Pocono Mountains preparing for an exciting fall season.

The first night of camp was thought to be tough because the players were all wound up and excited, so the coaches had to make sure the players used a lot of energy on the first day, insuring they would become played out and ready for uninterrupted sleep. However, an unfilled time slot was the hour and a half between the third practice and bedtime. I had just read a paper on goal setting and passion, and if the exercise failed, at least the team would tire after listening to me for an hour and a half.

The players filed into the mess hall with their helmets. The talk for my part went well, and remember, the motivation was to tire the team and ready them for sleep.

At the conclusion of the talk, the players were asked to write 3 personal goals for the upcoming season on a 3×5 index card. Finally, they were asked to fold the card small enough to be placed into the lining of their football helmet so they would have their goals focused in front of their mind’s eye.

Well, it worked! They went to sleep and not a peep out of anyone! They slept like babies!

After a good camp, we returned home and enjoyed a very successful  season. In fact, it was the best football season in the short history of the newly  opened high school!

Just before the Thanksgiving game, a reporter from the local paper called to inform me our QB Bill Deery was named the All Area QB and Offensive Player of the Year. The reporter asked if I would tell Bill and have him over to the paper for a picture session.

Happily, I called Bill and told him of the awards. Needless to say, Bill was thrilled. After he told his family, and we both settled down, Bill asked if I had a minute. I said, “Sure,  what’s on your mind?”

This is the exciting part. For some reason, Bill had his football helmet  at home. He asked me if I remembered the goals we wrote on the 3×5 index cards at camp. To be honest, I did not recall the session off-hand. We never mentioned the goals again during the season. Again, our motivation was to tire the team and prepare them for bed.

Fortunately, Bill did not forget his goals. He pulled the soiled ink and  sweat-stained card from the lining of his helmet and read his goals to me over the phone.

First goal – to become the All Area 1st Team QB Second- to become the Offensive Player Of The Year Third – to be part of the best football team to play at his high school.

WOW! He had nailed all three! I saw the card later with ink lines faded from the sweat in the helmet. Bill was a gifted athlete and went on to play college football at William and Mary, and at that time, he set a NCAA record for yards gained on the ground over a career by a QB.

Twenty-five years later

While speaking to the baseball team at another high school, I told the team about Bill Deery and later found out that a player from that team did the same thing Bill Deery did for his senior year in high school. Chris Canaan included his soccer season as well. Both seasons included All State 1st Team for Soccer and Baseball. He was the first ever in the school’s sports history to achieve this.

There’s more–While speaking to a basketball team, a coach from the floor said his coach asked his team to do the same as Deery and Canaan. He said that his soccer team and he had a bad junior year, and he decided  to write his goals down. He concluded the season as a 1st Team All America, Conference Champs and Player of the Year.

More–While I was speaking at a football clinic in Toledo, Ohio, and after telling these stories, a coach and former QB said his coach asked  him to do the same,  and this fellow became the Player of the Year and a  college All America.

I asked the young man, “What if you didn’t receive all of the honors? What would you think about goal setting?” He replied very openly, “Coach, it was the best season of my life. We played our best, I played my best and the goal setting made a huge difference.”

Go Goal Setting!


Remember when I asked you to write your goals on the wall with the silver sharpie?? When’s the last time you checked those? How many of you have not got your goals up there? Do the trainers know what your goals are? Are you working harder every day to reach your goals? If you do not have 3 goals (measureable) for CrossFit, I would suggest that you write them down somewhere and periodically take a look at them and see how you are progressing. Write them on the wall!! And let the trainers know what you want to achieve…then GET TO WORK!!


Great turnout Saturday morning at the box!! 28 strong CFU athletes! Secretly I’m happy that there was an even number because my glutes were a little sore (okay, a LOT sore!) from Friday’s pistols! 🙂 I love seeing the building community working hard getting better than yesterday!

I’m going to try and work on an upcoming events board so more people are aware of what is going on…kinda like my last site… Keep checking the blog for announcements & the WOD as I think I have it figured out! 🙂 (I think…)

Happy Sunday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!!

Belinda Says

Saturday, 9.7.13

pool party

Quick reminder that there will be a CFU Swim Party at Reese’s house next Sunday (15th) from 12:30-?? There will not be a regular WOD that day so we hope LOTS of people SIGN UP and come have one last dip in the pool. The weather is supposed to be Great! 🙂


20 min AMRAP with Partner

Buy in 400m (scale is Blvd run)

Barbell carry with partner (95/65) – 5 Thrusters each

Barbell carry with partner – 5 Power Cleans each

Barbell carry with partner – 5 Barbell Burpees each

Barbell carry with partner – 5 Push Presses each

*This WOD will be conducted outside so be prepared for the SUN! 🙂

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


Belinda Says

Checking In…

CFU Athletes! It is VERY important for you to use the kiosk at the box or the app on your phone to check in to a class! The numbers are not corresponding with whose names are on the board and the numbers I receive from the daily WODTogether attendance. Some members are on the 3x per week or the punchcard. Make sure you are utilizing the system properly!

**Not sure what was up with WODTogether this week, but I’m going to try and work on it this week where it is more consistent. I’m also working on a method to where you would be able to receive messages via email if there are important schedule changes, upcoming events, etc…I know that SOME of you have gotten into the habit of just checking WODTogether, that’s great that you are using the system, but there is SO much more to CFU than the WOD.

Thanks for your patience during this transition! Have a Great Friday! 🙂happy friday


Belinda Says

CF2 Class TONIGHT @ 7pm!

For those of you interested in more Olympic lifting we will be starting a CF2 class tonight. We will be focusing on technique and strength and will be doing a shorter WOD at the end.

*****Intended for CrossFitter’s with 6+ months experience.***

Chris will be training at this class.
Class will be on MW evenings from 7-8pm

Wednesdays WOD

Bsqt: 1×5@70%, 1×5@80%, 1×2@85%, 1×3@90%

BBG: Snatch 5×5 (Hi-hang, hang, floor) @ 45%1RM

3 rds:
15 HSPUs
25 Pullups
75 Double-unders

Belinda Says

Tuesday, 9.3.13

Real quick before I go and indulge in one last cheat meal before the challenge begins tomorrow!!

Super turnout at the box this morning! Love seeing everyone working so hard to be BETTER THAN YESTERDAY! 🙂
Special thanks to Michelle and Mary for helping with the floor afterwards!

Mark your calendar for the next CFU event…SUNDAY, SEPT. 15th from 12:30-??? for a CFU Pool Party at Reese’s house. This is a reschedule from last month.
There will be NO WOD that day…the box will be CLOSED so come to the CFU party! Meet some new people and catch up with everyone!. One last hurrah before fall comes! 🙂 Thanks Reese for hosting…we will bbq so there will be a sign up for food at the box.

Nutrition Challenge starts TUESDAY! Participants need to get measured in the next 3 days! And bring your $$.


barbell gymnastics
3 rounds of:
3 reps of hang clean
3 reps of squat clean
1 rep of jerk

“Mini Running Fran”

15 minute AMRAP of:
5 reps of thruster at 115/75 lb
10 reps of pull-up
200 m run

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed! 🙂start now stay focused finish strong

Belinda Says

TECS WOD Tuesday/Wednesday

Tec wod will be at Edgewood on Tuesday morning.

We will be doing a 25 minute tempo run.

Wednesday tec wod will be meeting at the bait shop at binder lake and will be doing a 25 minute tempo run as well. Bring a timing device.

Remember ALL TECS WODs for September are FREE!!

Belinda Says WOD

Monday, 9.2.13

labor day pic


First of all, WELCOME to all of the new members!

Next CF101 is Saturday from 10-noon so if you know of anyone who is interested, let me know! 🙂

I really need for everyone to check the blog website for announcements…some of you are missing a lot and I can’t effectively communicate to the masses on WODTogether because not everyone uses that either (which btw is a FREE service to you provided via your membership so USE IT!)

In September, ALL TEC WODs will be FREE! So if you are on a punch card or a 3x per week membership, the TEC WOD will not count towards your visits so take advantage of this to learn how to run more effectively and more efficiently… AND to get more cardio in! New month, New Goals! Start on Tuesday! TEC WODs are T/Th at 5:15am and Wednesday 5:30pm

Speaking of Tuesday…Nutrition Challengers! Are you READY!! Teams were posted in the 30-day nutrition group on Facebook. Go there to see what the scoop is. We Can Do This!

New Teens/Kids classes start this coming week…anyone not get their child signed up?? There are still openings, forms are on the glass case.

Heads up…I want to have a Volleyball Fun night this coming FRIDAY from about 6:45-8pm. Bring snacks and drinks (nutrition challengers-clean stuff!) We can split up into teams and play a little volleyball!

***************Help Please! After the WOD Monday, if some of you could stay and help with cleaning the sportcourt floor, that would be great!



9 rounds 20 reps w/ partner

L unges-walking

A mmo can presses(30/20)

B ox Jumps (24/20)

O blique Situps

R ow/Run 100m (alt)


D ips (on box or rings)

A ir Squats

Y oke Carry 50m OR 20 burpees(cash out)

***Time stops after the air squats…Scales are 8, 7, 6 rounds

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!