Yesterday I kind of touched on how I was running on fumes…an empty tank basically. The two days of rest did help but the dreary and gloomy day didn’t help my mood much this morning 🙁
Then I read an email that was sent by a business associate and it said (In so many words), Just go coach…go have fun and give all you have to your clients/members/friends. So I did 🙂 I got to chat with the 8:30 class and have a great volleyball session with a young athlete from the Lake.
I decided to workout after that since I had gained a little steam…got the barbell out after rowing for a couple of minutes…then proceeded to tackle my favorite lift-the deadlift. However, my body had other plans. I have been doing so much hitting/serving/twisting with the vb sessions that my left side of my back and hip are out of whack so 85# would have to do for today. Good thing I have a regular Chiro visit next week! This gal needs to lift heavy things!
I was a bit discouraged but happy that I was able to do something…there’s always something that one can do with an injury…ask any member! So I rode the assault bike, did ball slams(which is great for stress relief!) and some slow Russian twists. I got a good sweat on so this carried me through to some other tasks that needed to be taken care of…Then on to my noon class-Fun class!
About time for a break by now so…I refueled a bit with some lunch and downtime during the afternoon before my last two classes of the day. Dinner out topped my day off and I will have to say, the advice to “just go coach” helped me to refill my tank!
Tomorrow I plan on filling it up more…a few tasks on the computer and a couple of classes then NOTHING! Ah, doesn’t that sound wonderful?!?
I hope you have a great weekend and you take time to de-stress and do something for YOU! You’re worth it! 🙂
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!