Friday, 02.13.15

smile friday

Happy Friday! 🙂

Remember on Fridays we have the Noon Xpress Class! Get in, Get out with a good butt kickin’!

Saturday, there WILL be an early CrAzY WOD @ 7:30am…The WOD will NOT be posted…Just show up and Do Work!

Regular WOD at 9am (Barbell, TBD)

Nutrition Challengers! Your FINAL measurements “window” will be February 19-23rd; you will also need to do the “Challenge WOD” sometime in that time and have your time verified by a trainer.

EMOM 12 Alternating
Odd: 3 push press 155/115 (preferably from floor)
Even: 10 walking lunges w/KB 70/53
*hold KB as if you were performing a goblet squat, or by the handle behind the head*

15min AMRAP
3 Ground to Overhead (135/95)
6 Chest to Bar Pullups
9 Box Jumps (24/20)
12 Russian Twists (40/25)
Scales: 12, 10, 8 min

Bonus Work
3×10 band pull aparts, 3×20 straight leg situps, 3×20 oblique crunches

Have a great weekend!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!


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