Friday, 11.07.14

Happy Friday! How did the week go by so fasssssst?!?

Want to remind everyone of the NEW class that I’ll be offering on Fridays at noon called “CrossFitXpress” 🙂 Warmup and WOD…and you’re on your way! Geared for that person who wants to get that extra workout in for the week, but is in a time crunch…class will be 30 minutes long. If this works, I will look at offering another time possibly at 6:15am one or two days a week.

The CFU Member Satisfaction survey will be available until Friday, 9pm. If you have not taken it please do so.

Saturday, we will have a “special crazy” WOD at 7:30am; I will post it tomorrow. Regular WOD at 9am, Barbell at 10am.

Sunday at 12:15 we will be showing the “Fed Up” documentary at 12:15; we will follow up with a nutrition clinic and guidelines for a 10-day sugar detox program. If you want to get in the right frame of mind for your nutritional goals, especially before the holiday season, make plans to attend!

Saturday, Nov. 15th at 8am, Dr. Brandon Johns will be at CFU to offer Kinesio taping for athletes who have joint/muscle issues. I’ve heard from a couple interested individuals so if you’d like to give it a shot, show up; it’s Free!

Have a Super day! 🙂

10min EMOM
Even: 150m row
Odd: 10 WB 2 for 1

With a partner, one working at a time…
50 Cal Row
50 Box Jumps 24/20
50 Deadlifts 185/135
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Ring Dips
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Deadlifts 185/135
50 Box Jumps
50 Cal Row

Bonus Work
Blvd Loop with your partner



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free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, get the plan to achieve them.