Happy Friday!!
So I’m thinking we may have had a few cherry pickers for Thursday’s WOD…maybe thinking “I hate running…” “I suck at running…” “Oh, I can just do that on my own…” Is that what YOU thought?!? If you aren’t good at something, don’t you want to make yourself better?!? Did you actually run 2000m today?!? Were you able to do 25 back squats prior to your run in order to get the desired outcome??? Hmmmm, yep I do believe there was some cherry pickin going on! Kudos to the 30 something members who came in! Hoping the rest of you jump at the chance to “just run” next time 😉
Want to welcome our new members…Kim, Madison, MikeL, Josh, Tasha, Marcus, and KevinS! Welcome to the CFU family!!
Doubleunder clinic info is a few posts down & also posted on FB…get signed up ASAP!
WOD Now Wine Later Friday night 7 pm; even if you can only make it for 30 minutes, COME dang it!! 🙂
I have EXTRA ranks! $15, let me know if you’d like one!
BOX PARTY next Saturday June 14th…see yesterday’s post for details!
If you haven’t come to one of our parties, I’d like to see you there! Again even it’s for a little bit…come meet the rest of the CFU clan!
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!