BIRTHDAY BASH FORMS are due on TUESDAY in order to put in the tshirt order! The purple shirt color is at the box on the glass case; the green is like the WODFest color…You can CHOOSE between the two colors so all of you PURPLE lovers out there, get your order in! ๐
Birthday Bash is on Saturday, Feb. 21st starting at 4pm…I need the forms turned in as well so we have enough food! We will have an individual WOD at 4:15; Kids WOD following and then Team/Partner WOD at 5:30ish…followed by a BBQ, party, and volleyball. Help celebrate CFU’s 3rd year!
Proceeds for this year’s Bash is going to the Special Learning Center!
***February’s Challenge is BURPEES!!!***
Feb 1-1 Burpee, 2/2-2 Burpees, 2/3-3 Burpees, etc…Burpees in the WOD’s and warmups do NOT count; find an accountability partner and DO THIS! There are “only” 28 days in February ๐ Sign up on the “bacon board” if you’re in!
OHS 6×3 @ 85%
Skill Work
Rope Climbs
EMOM for 20 min
Odd: 5 Power Cleans @ 70% 1RM
Even: 1 Rope Climb + 7 Hand-Release Push-ups (sub for rope climb is 8 strict pull-ups/ring rows or 5 rope pulls from the floor)
Scales: 18,16,14,12min
Bonus Work
3×10 Med ball raises from rig, 3×15 weighted sit-ups, 3×20 oblique crunches
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!