Nice work at the Capital City Throwdown MikeB, Chris White, Chris Wilson, Ryan, Liz and Norma!! It was awesome watching you bust your rears for all those reps! And a special thanks to everyone who came to support us! 🙂
Remember that we will have the Baby Shower/WOD on Sunday, May 3rd starting at 4:30pm. There will NOT be a regular WOD at 3, but there will be an open gym…watch the site for more details (if you have $ for the decorations or recipients, please give to Andi or Nicole!) see you there!
Back Squat 6×2 @85%
3 Rounds
10 Front Squats 115/85 (no rack)
20 Push-ups
Blvd Run
Scale: 2 rounds
Have a great Monday! 🙂
Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!