Not sure if some of you saw the Sunday blog so I’m posting this again…
Want to let you all know that Locke, son of Reese and Cindy Thompson could use your prayers…he will be leaving Sunday for Quantico where he will be in USMC Officer Candidate School and then be a JAG Corps (Judge Advocate General) Officer. So send him some extra prayers to one of our extended CFU family members!!
Don’t forget to bring in your books for ABLE! On Monday CFU will be recognized at the City Council meeting then again on Wednesday at a reception for helping out the ABLE program. Many thanks to your support and giving back to the community! You are making a difference in the lives of others!
Strict Press 4×2 @ 80-85%
12min AMRAP Team WOD (3 people)
*100m Run
*DU’s (3x singles however only DU’s & attempts count towards score)
*Plank Hold
**Rotate when runner gets back (DU’s count as score)
Blessings for your Monday!!
P.S….Be on the lookout for a kick start 30-day Nutrition/Fitness Challege 😉