Monday, 10.20.14

WODFest volunteers who are on Facebook, please check the “CFU Competition” page and VOTE by Tuesday please!
If you’re not on FB, contact me and I’ll let you know what is going on 🙂

6:30pm regular class attendees…attendance needs to pick up! Is there something keeping you away from the box?

This week I will be putting together a survey in the attempt to make CrossFit Unstoppable even better. I’ll be asking all members to partake in this and he/she may do so anonymously. We would just like feedback on various components of CFU.
Look for the survey coming out on Wednesday! Thanks in advance!

Have a great week!

Strength: Bench Press: 4×8 (do not exceed 80% 1RM)

AMRAP in 14 minutes of:
30 Kettlebell Swings (53 / 35)
20 Goblet Squats (53 / 35)
10 Hand Release Push-ups

Bonus Work: 3-1min Planks, 3-20 sec handstand holds, 3×15 Reverse crunches

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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