Monday, 10.6.14

Be watching for the order form for long sleeve CFU shirts(same material/design as new shirts) and Hoodies! It’s getting {{{{colder}}}} 🙂 This will be the ONLY order so if you want cold weather gear, order by Friday!

Friday Night Lights Oct. 10th @ 6:30! Keith Luekenhoff will be our guest of honor as the Gold Medal recipient in the State Special Olympics!
A free will donation will be taken for the Special Olympics; if you can’t make it that evening but would still like to donate, let me know!
Plan on a WOD or two, some volleyball and social time! BYOB and a snack if you’d like!

6…That’s the number of items that have been brought in for the food drive…Let’s step it up for a good cause!

Strength: Back squat 4×2 @ 80%
*if athletes have not established their 1RM, you will do this

12 min AMRAP
8 Hang Power Cleans (115 / 75)
12 Alternating Front Rack Lunges (115 / 75) (6 R, 6 L)
8 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar

Bonus Work:
4 x 30 Russian Twists (heavy – rest 1-2 min)
60 Supermans (1 sec each)
2 minutes: Abmat Butterfly Sit-ups

Happy Monday!

Work Hard, Eat Clean, Be Blessed!



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