Crazy WODers are getting together at 7:30am for a “Seth Special” if any experienced CFers would like to join them…you can scale the weights and movements! Show up and do work!
Regular WOD at 9am! Hope to see the parking lot FULL! 🙂
Happy Weekend!
30 min Running Clock… with a partner
Buy-in: one working at a time -2000m Run/row(must be split equally)
For remaining time, complete as many Rounds/Reps of:
50 Hang Power Clean (75/55)
50 Hollow Rocks
50 Thrusters (75/55)
50 Supermans
50 SDHP (75/55)
50 V-ups
Scales: 1500m buy in/40 reps; 1000m/30 reps