This week…No Barbell Classes!
This Summer starting on Tuesday and continuing through August on T/Th/F @ 6:30am, CFU will offer a “Beat the Heat” class. We must have 5 regular attendees to keep these classes.
This Summer there technically will not be any “TEC WOD’s”; however on Tuesdays and Thursdays there will be a TEC WOD posted where an athlete can choose that to do on their own instead of the regular WOD or Advanced WOD. Athletes would go through the regular warmup with the class, then proceed to extra mobility and the TEC WOD. Athletes are responsible for their own timing devices.
We will resume the TEC WOD’s in late August.
There will be no KidsFit on MWF at 5:30pm this summer. Classes will resume in late August.
CrossFit Kids will have a few “camps” here and there during the summer; be watching for posts; I hope to resume a regular schedule in August.
Please let me know if you have any questions on the scheduling and thanks for your patience 🙂
Happy Summer!